Contact numbers: +263 24 200 5469/+263 778 334 359/+263 778 293 947/7Whatsapp number: +263 784 862 154 Address: 9657 Chipukutu Road, Ruwa
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    Real home away from home
    Wide range of facilities
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    We Exceed Expectations
    we carefully tailor our care

Our services

RHCC – Provides a home away from home atmosphere with our tailored services.

Palliative Care

Palliative care. Is a specialised medical care for patients with severe illness. At. R. H. C. C we provide quality of life for both patients and their families. Our care begins at diagnosis and treatment. We Integrate the psychological and spiritual aspects of care. Offer support systems to assist patients live as active as possible. We offer a comfort-based approach. Options are available for treatment and symptoms control depending on what the patient wants. Nature of illness in the prevention and relief of suffering through alternative therapies

Home Care

Our high level of services will enable the clients to live comfortable life and enjoy a personalised care service in the comfort of their homes. RHCC places strong emphases on staff training and supervision which enhances staff performance and ensures best care for clients. As a services provider we aim to be trustworthy, efficient and highly effective. Our services will cover supply of nurses of all grades to cover short- and long-term periods, day and night shifts. At RHCC the climate is such that we can provide a vast range of specialist care whose quality care surpass the client expectations.

Dementia Care

Dementia is a disease affecting part of the brain. People with dementia remain real people. They may be confused about where they are. Not recognise people they know. Repeatedly ask the same question. Pace up and down restlessly. Forget things they heard only awhile before. Situations you might encounter are not eating properly. Shouting. Trying to leave the house or building etc. At RHCC we help by showing. We think about the patients feeling. We endeavour to make their lives as happy and fulfilling as possible. Preserve their right to independence, privacy and dignity.

Respite Care

Respite. Care is short term care it is a form of care for you and your main carer. It gives you the opportunity to attend to everyday activities or go on holiday wedding funeral. Respite care may be for a few hours or days or longer periods depending on your needs at RHCC this service is currently available.


Rehabilitation is the process of helping someone return to a healthy way of life after they have been very ill. At. R. H. C. C we provide facilities to meet high levels of physical activity. Occupational therapy speech and swallow therapy to restore strength motion and endurance. Restoring someone to their former activity this is crucial for preventing future injuries.

Day Care

Day. Care is at all clients in the community. We provide care activities walks storytelling painting art music and dance and cultural values. Transport is available to and from the centre 8pm

G.P Services

G. P services available as a walk in service and also by appointment at scheduled times. Most medical aids accepted

Patient transport

At. R. H. C. C we have extended our services to include patient transport to and from the centre. We aim to cover the home care and day care services to ensure our clients have access to a safe comfortable transport

Hospital Pharmacy

RHCC operates a pharmacy and has a hospital pharmacy licence. We aim to provide our patients and external patients with full medication.

About Us

Rangarirai Holistic Care Centre is a centre that offers a wide range of services and is aimed at people living with life threatening illnesses. We aim to make a positive impact while providing a holistic care package through physical intellectual emotional social cultural and spiritual care.

Our Mission.

To uphold robust methods to enhance the effectiveness of our interventions.
To remain relevant in line with global and national expectations.
To ensure Palliative care is clearly understood and Intergrated into our community.
To provide training in health and social care development and promote quality care.
To employ only the finest staff who have shown both dedication and commitment to patient.
To meet standards through a highly selective and robust recruitment process.
To operate within a highly motivated environment which permeate thought the entire company which works as a team and every individual is responsible for the role they play.


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